Ministry Teams

We know that service is an important aspect of being a disciple of Jesus and, therefore, encourage everyone to serve in some capacity. Below you will find several opportunities to serve.

Worship Team

Every Sunday our Worship Team leads us in the singing of hymns and praise songs. If God has blessed you with musical abilities, consider joining this team.


Ushers serve an important role in our weekly worship gathering. They perform a variety of tasks to help everyone be able to worship in a safe, friendly, and comfortable environment.

Men's Ministry

There are several opportunities for men to be discipled and get involved in the life of the church.  We have two weekly small groups for men on Sunday mornings, regular men’s breakfasts, and occasional men’s trips, like hiking.

Ladies Ministry

We have various studies and activities for our ladies. Every Sunday, we have two different groups of ladies who meet for prayer and Bible Study.

Monthly, we plan a fun ladies activity, which in the past has included community service projects, movie nights, dinner, shopping, and other seasonal activities.

So we invite you to join us and meet our ladies,, knowing that as you journey through life, you have a sisterhood you can depend on.

Children's Ministry

We love our kids and all the kids that pass by through our doors! We have Sunday School for all ages, and Bible Study every Wednesday night. We also have other seasonal activities that help them learn more about who Jesus is and what is it like to be one of his followers.

Family Ministry

Our church has been blessed by God with a growing number of families. We regularly conduct opportunities for the families to gather together, fellowship, minister to one another, and for the youth and kids to witness what God’s design for a family should be. We have sports activities, food fellowship, community evangelism, and some outdoor activities.

Youth Ministry

We have a group of youth that meet every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. and Wednesdays at 7 p.m.  We also do a variety of different activities throughout the year! It is our desire to see our young people love God and love people.

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